Stacey’s Corner
– where your mind, body, and spirit connect

EMDR Therapy and Women’s Mental Health
EMDR Therapy and Women’s Mental Health Trauma can have a significant impact on a woman's mental and physical well-being. Experiences such...
The Long-Term Impact of Sexual Abuse and Violence
The Long-Term Impact of Sexual Abuse and Violence By: Stacey Inal, Licensed Marriage Family Therapist, MA, MBA, PMH-C We cannot minimize...
How Friendships Supported Us During The Pandemic
By: Stacey Inal, Licensed Marriage Family Therapist, MA, MBA, PMH-C The challenges of making or maintain friendships during the pandemic...
Pet Grief Support
Pet Grief Support It is reasonable to assume that most of you have dealt with the death of a pet. According to the American Pet Product...
Goal Setting and Retraining The Brain
With the start of the New Year, you may be thinking about all the goals you want to achieve. Perhaps you are thinking about starting an...
Men, Infertility, and Mental Health
Infertility otherwise known as the inability to conceive a child, is very often emotionally painful. In some cases, infertility may lead...
Adjustment Disorder
Adjustment Disorder A few months ago I visited a friend who was undertaking three of life's big changes: she was moving into a new home in...
Hope After Failed Fertility Treatments
It seems to be that depression is almost guaranteed to follow a failed IVF attempt. However I want you to know there is hope. When women...
Infertility and Mental Health Go Hand In Hand
Infertility has been found to be the 4th most dramatic life event in the lifespan of a woman (Lykeridou, Gourounti, Deltsidou, Loutradis,...
Secondary Infertility and Grief Counseling
Secondary infertility is defined as the inability to become pregnant, or to carry a pregnancy to term, following the birth of one or more...
The Pain of the Lost Child in Utero
The recent photos after Chrissy Tiegen's miscarriage sitting alone and then with her husband, John...
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© 2023 by Stacey Inal, CA LMFT #120626 Los Angeles, California.